ISSN 1551-8086
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  April 2020
volume 17 number 1
-table of contents-
  featured poets
  contributing poets
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submission info  


poeticdiversity welcomes all styles of poetry, fiction creative non-fiction, book/film reviews, author interviews,and essays on literary topics.

Submissions can be sent via email ( or through our online form. Submissions sent by email must be in the body of the email, rich text format preferred, no attachments.


Send three poems, (not up to three) a brief bio (150 words max). If you submit poems using the online form, submit each piece separately. Poems must not exceed 75 lines. One poem may be previously published, and needs to include the DATE and NAME of the previous publication.


Send two pieces, and a brief bio (150 words max). Fiction and creative nonfiction pieces are not to exceed 2,000 words (if longer, please send an email query). One prose piece may be previously published, and needs to include the DATE and NAME of the previous publication.


Book reviews must contain publication info (link to publisher/distributor). Film reviews must contain a lMBD/Wikipedia link. Author interviews must be accompanied by a brief bio (of the subject interviewed) for consideration of publication. Literary essays must not exceed 2,500 words.


Artwork must be sent in jpeg form, and include a brief bio (150 words max) to either, or to the webmaster at, along with the tag-line "photo of ------," so we can keep track. If you have merchandise to sell, please include links and contact information.

NOTES (v. important):

If you submit work via the online form, submit each piece separately.

  • 1) Submissions that don't adhere to the above-listed parameters will not be considered.
  • 2) Copyright revert back to the author upon publication. However, we reserve the right to retain that version of work published in poeticdiversity's archives. Conversely, we reserve the right to remove that work(s) at any time.
  • 3) Deadline for all submissions is 30 calendar days prior to the next publication date. Example: the next issue is due November 1, 2020, the last date to submit is Sept. 30, 2020. Any work submitted between periods will be held over in consideration for the next issue.
  • 4) Upon acceptance for publication, poeticdiversity reserves the right to employ minor corrections/changes (as needed) to author(s) work. We edit for style, not for content.
  • 5) Upon acceptance, we will request that you provide a "yes" or "no" answer as to whether you want your work to considered for either a Pushcart/Best of the Net nomination.
  • 6) We cannot afford to pay anyone for their work, but sometime in the future, hope to do so.
  • 7) Submissions/Inquiries may be emailed to
  • .
submit your work using our online form

please send your mp3 files and bio jpegs to: